What is so good about accidentally re-wilded land?

“Not every spot can have a super rare orchid to save it from the developers bulldozers and chainsaws. However, does a piece of land like this that both brings joy to the local community AND was left in someone’s will to be conserved for future generations deserve a fate like this? The ‘Gateway To The Moor’ will be poorer for it – and so will the local wildlife.”

This extract from Jo Brown’s blog https://bernoid.com/save-bonds-meadow/ sums up exactly how we feel about Bonds Meadow. In her article she shares her view of the land and our fight to save it.

Jo, a graduate from Falmouth College of Arts spent some time at Bonds Meadow recently, documenting the flora and fauna that she found in the woodland and taking some beautiful photos and aerial video along the way.

Please take a few minutes to read her complete blog at https://bernoid.com/save-bonds-meadow/

Thank you Jo for your support.


Great support from author John Bainbridge


Leaving a better world for the children